Booking with Owen
If you are planning to bring your child in to have a piercing done and you don’t share the same last name, please bring a valid government issued photo ID for yourself and a birth certificate for your child. If you DO share the same last name, you can bring your valid government issued photo ID for yourself and either a passport or birth certificate for your child.
If you would like to schedule a piercing appointment with Owen, please call 617-491-4335 during business hours (12pm-7pm). Payment is due in order to make an appointment for a piercing or jewelry changing/consultation.
More information about Owen's booking process: 1 or 2 weeks before the month ends we open a full month of available appointments for Owen. This month, that day will be Monday, January 20th. We experience high call volume for the first few hours on the Monday that we open Owen’s schedule. We have two or more people answering the phones at once and we do our very best to make it through each call as efficiently as possible. If you are on hold for a bit, please be patient. We will get to you as soon as we possibly can. If you live locally and would prefer to book in person, please feel free to stop by the shop at 36 JFK street to book.
You may cancel your appointment and receive a full refund with 48 hours notice. You may reschedule your appointment with 24 hours notice at no additional cost. Any cancellation or rescheduling the day of the appointment will result in forfeiture of the piercing/changing fee.
Cancellation/rescheduling must be done over the phone.
Check in time is 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. If you do not show up or if you are late, you will not be pierced and you will forfeit your piercing fee.
You MUST be 18 years of age with a valid government issued photo ID present to be pierced without parental consent. If you do not bring an valid government issued photo ID with you, we cannot perform the piercing and you will forfeit your piercing fee.
We do not accept student IDs as valid form of identification.
Some piercings can be done on minors, but not all of them.
Minors that are 16 years of age and up can get the following piercings if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, with proper identification: Earlobe, Nostril, Navel, Eyebrow, Septum and Outer Ear Cartilage(helix).
Ear cartilage (Helix only) can be done on minors age 14 and up. As with all piercings for minors, parent/legal guardian must be present with government issued photo ID for BOTH the guardian AND the minor as well as proof of guardianship (i.e. birth certificate).
Earlobe piercings can be done on children ages 5 and up with government issued photo ID for the parent/legal guardian and passport or birth certificate for the child. If you have any questions about required identification for piercing feel free to call the shop at (617) 491-4335.